T: +1 (973) 676-8625 | F: +1 (973) 847-5494 | HQ: 163 Tremont Ave. East Orange, NJ 07018 | HOURS MON-FRI 9AM - 5:30PM njoffice@transcaribe.com

Guidelines to follow while importing used car in Saint Kitts and Nevis :-

Shipping Ports :-
Port for shipment of used vehicle is Basseterre in Saint Kitts and Long Point in Nevis.

Right-hand drive vehicles :-

Importation of vehicles with the steering wheel on the right side is allowed.

Documents required for port clearance :-

  • Bill Of Lading (BOL)
  • Bill of Sight
  • Import License
  • Commercial/ Purchase Invoice
  • Copy of Title


Import duty and taxes :-

Import Duty- 45%

VAT- 17%

Customs Service Charge-12%

Vehicle Environmental Levy (VEL) is based on the aged of vehicle.

  • Less than 2 years – $1000 E.C.
  • 2 years or more but less than four years after the date of manufacture -$3500 E.C.
  • 4 years or more after the date of manufacture – $5000 E.C.


Returning Nationals :-

  • Citizen of Saint Kitts and Nevis should have lived abroad for a period of 10 years or more and has return to the nation permanently.
  • Concession given only on one vehicle imported within a family.
  • Importer should have owned the vehicle for at least a year before importation and should have a copy of the title from the country of origin.
  • Age of applicant should be 18 years and should posses a valid driving license in the country of origin.
  • Vehicle clearance within six months from Customs after arrival in the nation.
  • Importer should not transfer the vehicle ownership within four years of the grant of concession.
  • To be considered as a returning resident, returning national should during first three years of return, must not return abroad and reside there continuous period of more than 3 months.
  • Returning students who have been living in abroad for less than ten should provide some college/university documentation as a proof to the Customs Officer. Concession is given at the discretion of the Comptroller of Customs.


Visit St. Kitts & Nevis Customs Department Official Website